Two River Theater 20th Anniversary Season

Sunday night, Helen and I were invited to the unveiling of the Two River Theater 20th Anniversary Season. It was wonderful to hear John Dias, the Artistic Director, describe the new shows and the reasons behind choosing them for the upcoming season.

One of the most moving moments for me was during Bob Rechnitz’s opening statement when he asked how many people in the audience had seen the very first show (The Cocktail Hour) that they produced 20 years ago, and then how many had see every show the Two Rivers has put on during the two decades it’s been running. We were amongst some dedicated theater goers!!

Clive was devastated he was not invited to attend with us and he has put himself in my photo showing where he thought he should be sitting during the speeches.

clive at two rivers theaterHe even wore his Zorro outfit in his excitement.


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